
Happy 4th!

I must apologize for my horrendous lack of posts lately. I've just not felt the creative juices flowing! Tres horrible, non?

Anyway, what have I been doing with myself since my lovely and eventful birthday? Well, I've been riding Opie every day, and he's still doing really well. Yesterday a coyote ran out of the forest ten feet in front of him, and he was completely unfazed. Amazing! He was a little less excited about the fireworks though. Those were scary!

This is my view from the saddle

Here's Opie again, this time acting as a lawn mower for the front yard

A few days ago, the basement-Indian neighbors came over for lunch, and I served up a giant pan of Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas, Refried Beans (with Green Chile Mixed In), and HOME-MADE!!!! Spanish Rice (with a little Green Chile added to the recipe). Yummy! I was really impressed with the rice recipe that I made. It was fantastic! I can't wait to make it again! I also made a spice cake with cream cheese icing. Yum. In case you're wondering, No, I did not add any Green Chile to it, but hey, when you're this close to New Mexico, Green Chiles are everywhere, so I might as well use them while I've got them!

Today, being the Fourth of July, we will be going to the Annual 4th of July Crafts Fair, which I'm excrutiatingly excited about. Either, the crafts will be absolutely atrocious and lovable by only the most tasteless (or literally blind) craft fair patron, or they will be exquisite works of folk art painstakingly made by wonderfully quirky individuals. Either way, it will be fantastic, and there will be many pictures for your enjoyment in a future post.

My allergies are killing me, and I'm currently sniffling away. I'm debating whether or not to take a Benadryl before we leave... My only fear is that the Benadryl will alleviate not only my allergy symptoms, but also my common sense, and that I will return to the house with a horrifying "craft" that I just had to have while I was in my Benadryl coma... Decisions, decisions...

On Monday, I went fishing with one of the neighbors, and managed to haul in a hefty Salmon! I was so impressed with myself! I only got a little bit sunburned, and the fish is in the freezer.

I talked to Greg the other day, and he was surprised to learn that it takes 45 minutes to drive to "Town," and that the population of said town is only about 18,000 (not including tourists, of course). Like I said, he was shocked. Just to prove that I am, in fact, in the Middle-of-Nowhere, CO, here are some pictures I took while driving down the county road to the house.

Yes, those are sheep walking down the road...

This is the country version of a road block

Hundreds and Hundreds of Sheep!!!

We experimented with the waffle maker the other day, and I must say, I was rather impressed with our results.

Here's an action shot of Grandad and the Waffle Maker

My Grandad, being the quintessential Southerner that he is, prefers Sorghum Molasses over regular old Mrs. Butterworth's Syrup. Everyone knows that Molasses runs as slow as, well, molasses, so he had to heat it up before he could use it. Through my sleep-fog-of-the-brain I realized that there was something strange about his heating method...

Yep, the handles on that pot are upside down. Yes, it is a lid. He put the molasses in a pot lid full of water. Amazing. He could teach those Iron Chef guys a thing or two.

Well, that's all for now folks. We're about to head to the Craft Fair Extravaganza! Get Excited! Love y'all!

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