
It's a First for Me

So, I just spent a lovely lazy hour bird-watching on the porch with my Grandad. I have never bird-watched before, and I have to say that it was quite enjoyable. While we watched we chatted about the different habits of the birds we saw, and what the ate, and where they nested. We saw a fly-catcher, a few robins, some grosbeaks, and a tiny little hummingbird. The robin has decided to make a nest under the eaves of the porch, and she was very upset that we were sitting out there near her eggs. Here are some pictures for your personal enjoyment! (No, I didn't take these. I just wanted you all to be able to share in my bird-watching adventure!)

A lovely picture of an Evening Grosbeak from http://wildbirdsunlimited.typepad.com/the_zen_birdfeeder/2008/05/wild-birds-unli.html

Here's a pretty robin from: http://michelle2005.wordpress.com/2009/04/05/she-is-stilljust-jenny/

And one more of a cute little flycatcher. One of these has built a nest on the other side of the porch. This one is from: http://www.bigcountryaudubon.org/2007/09/?cat=6

Another interesting addition to he evening was the guzzling of Dr. Pepper with peanuts floating in it. This is, apparently, one of my grandad's favorite beverages. You take a swig of DP then crunch all the peanuts. Weird, I must admit, but not altogether unpleasant. I wonder where this tradition started...

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